domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Great Gastby casting

The Great Gatsby is considered the finest example of the American novel, and not in vain. It is a shame its cinematic adaptation felt short of what was expected. These are my suggestions for a modern recasting.

I think Edward Norton would be suitable for the role. George is a sad and broken character, and Edward can definitely portray that.

Christina Hendricks was a easy choice. She is curvy, and has enought vitality for the role.

Natalie Portman is gorgeous, slim and somewhat boyish. She has the potential to be a perfect Jordan.

Who other could portray such despicable individual? Joaquín Phoenix has a great ability for interpreting hateable characters.

James Mcavoy would be excellent for a neutral character.

Amy Adams has that kind of airy and annoying character that Daisy has.

Leonardo Di Caprio is a very talented actor, and has the elegance to pull off Jay.

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